As the 9-12 year old continues to work out their responsibilities as a child of the Kingdom of God, this maxims cabinet is there to help. We've found the children want to use the maxims to help understand their world and relationships. It helps if they can bring the cabinet to their work spot to sort out the maxims and discuss them. So, we designed our cabinet to be sturdy yet portable.
Each of these essential moral teachings of Jesus is etched into the wood. The tablets fit comfortably in their two bays. They don't flop over or fall out. We chose to paint our as marble tablets to echo the Ten Commandments tablets. However, you may choose to paint (or not) yours as you desire. All the items in this product arrive to you sanded and assembled but not stained or painted.
Once the cabinet's lid is removed, the children may flip through the maxims to find the ones which apply to their study. When complete, the cabinet is designed to latch closed with a satisfying click. Although simple to unlock, the cabinet is able to travel easily from shelf to table and back again. We've included two slots in the base for the Greatest Commandment tablets to rest.
If you are receiving your CGS training in Level 3, you may find these tablets feel smaller than your Level 2 tablets. You would be correct; the Level 3 tablets are about half the size. Ours are a bit smaller, which works well for our context. Reach out with any questions about size and readability. The box is designed to fit on an 8 inch shelf or sit comfortably on a 10 inch one.
This material arrives to you sanded and assembled. HOWEVER, IT IS NOT STAINED OR PAINTED.
1 cabinet
17 maxims tablets
2 greatest commandment tablets
Size: 10.5" long x 7.5" tall x 5" deep
Material: Birch wood
Size: 5.75" tall x 3.5" wide x .25" thick
Material: Birch wood
Greatest Commandments Tablets
Size: 7.5" tall x 3.5" wide x .25" thick
Material: Birch wood
The materials may deviates from from the CGSUSA materials manual in the tablet size and cabinet design. If you have any questions, please let me know, and I will provide specifics.
Please Note:
These materials are anchored in the extraordinary work of Sophia Cavaletti and Gianna Gobbi. The contextual use of this material is taken from their work in Rome. The English translations of their work are held in copyrite by CGSUSA. The Inclusive Atrium’s materials are an adaptation of their material. The artwork and layout of this specific interpretation is the work of the Inclusive Atrium and may not be copied without the express permission of the Inclusive Atrium. This material does not come with any presentation instruction or lessons. Do not purchase unless you have CGS Level 3 Training.
There may be a slight smell of burnt wood from the laser process.
But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.